Stormwater Management Program
A stormsewer system collects and carries rain and snow run-off of impermeable surfaces, such as roads and parking lots. In some cases, the system can even carry spring water. The stormsewer system is composed of catch basins, pipes, swales, and assorted types of inlets and outlets. This water ends up in our streams, rivers and lakes, which are all part of our drinking water supply.
- Trash or litter
- Leaked automotive fluids
- Sediments
- Leaves and other yard waste
- Animal waste
- Pesticides and other chemicals from lawns and farms
Trash, leaves, and sediments clog up stormsewer pipes ultimately causing floods in areas, and eventually litter our waterways. Automotive fluids, animal waste, and chemicals pollute water which can cause damage or death to watershed animals and plants.
Click on the links below for more information on how you can help clean up pollution in our streams and waterways.
What Can I Do to Help?
- Do not throw trash, grass clippings, leaves or other debris in the catch basins
- Maintain your vehicles to prevent fluid leaks
- Follow instructions on pesticide and chemical use, and think of where it may end up once you use it
- Contact the appropriate authority when you see clogged stormsewers, or flow in dry conditions.
If You See an Illicit Discharge…
If you see an Illicit Discharge please contact the GGSA for further investigation. Feel free to use the Citizen Complaint Form below to document and report the event.
Citizen Complaint Illicit Discharge Reporting Form. (PDF)
An illicit discharge is defined by the EPA as any discharge to the municipal separate storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of storm water, except for discharges allowed under an NPDES permit or waters used for firefighting operations. These non-stormwater discharges occur due to illegal connections to the storm drain system from business or commercial establishments. As a result of these illicit connections, contaminated wastewater enters into storm drains or directly into local waters before receiving treatment from a wastewater treatment plant. Illicit connections may be intentional or may be unknown to the business owner and often are due to the connection of floor drains to the storm sewer system. Additional sources of illicit discharges can be failing septic systems, illegal dumping practices, and the improper disposal of sewage from recreational practices such as boating or camping.